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our recipe

user benefit & Experience

We are designers as well as consumers. therefore we design with the user's emotions in mind.


We consider the manufacturing capability of our clients to innovate new solutions within reach for them.

design Solution

Our first responsibility is to provide the best experience for the user. we use various research methods to discover the needs and pain points of users to draw our design guidelines.

product life in environment

Product have a life cycle similar to any ecosystem. we educate our clients on design for recyclability and best material choices.

our special


women lead design

  • More detail Oriented
  • Design through compassion
  • First-hand user experience
  • Designing products for women

full prototyping facility

  • State of the art prototyping machines.
  • Client support through product development
  • Building a physical model for testing and research

environmental friendly designs

  • ​Mindfulness of the materials used in the products
  • Providing alternative material options as part of design deliverables


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